By Any Means Necessary

Rejuvenated Movement Provides Hope In The Face Of Pandemic’s Spiritual Toll



In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Marc Steiner, Peabody Award-winning journalist and host of The Marc Steiner Show on The Real News Network to discuss the relatively small sums of money that the ultra-wealthy would have to pay to fund impactful services for working and poor people. The inability and outright refusal of the capitalist system to adequately tax the ultra-wealthy and provide for the needs of working and poor people, and the need for a movement of working and poor people to spur political action in the millionaires’ club that is Congress.In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Aisha Jumaan, Founder and President of Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation to discuss the deadly escalation in the ongoing war on Yemen and the mainstream media’s overemphasis on Houthi and Yemeni resistance to Saudi bombing campigns and inattention to the US role in the war, the geopolitical and economic aspects of the war wrapped in the broa