Dr. James Dobbins Catholic Apologetics

Episode 203: Judity-02



These are intended to be discussions, not lectures. In these discussions, we look at the different truths of Catholic doctrine and why we know they are true. We also discuss apologetics, spiritual growth, examine the liturgy of the Catholic Mass and do scripture studies.  Please encourage your friends to listen. I also encourage you to leave a comment about our podcasts.  If you want the slides or any other documents for any class, just e-mail me at jhdphd@gmail.com and I will reply with the documents attached.  If you are getting the podcast files from iTunes and would like to see the full set of available discussions for download, you can see and download any of them at http://yorked.podomatic.com. Our discussions are now conducted in-person and on Zoom, something we started because of COVID. They take place every Monday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 EST (New York time).  If that time is convenient for you and you would like to join the discussion, send me your name and email address and I will add you to the