Lapodcast (local Anaesthetic Podcast) - The Most Trusted Name In Local News

LA 125: Comedy Sketches, Audience Participation, Crossing-Dressing Elves and a Series of Dares (AKA: An Era Before Money and Satan Took Over)



The most trusted name in local news: Alex and Rob cast an irreverent eye over amusing stories published in local newspapers, including listener submitted contributions.   Listeners can submit stories via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or e-mail:     Stories this week include: Charitable man gives £3,000 to unlucky pair. Restaurant manager's racist rant following disagreement over the Louisiana Purchase.  Sexually frustrated couple use light-hearted festive comedy sketch as therapy. Jeweller denies knowledge of deliberate drain blockage which led to record sales due to sewage flood. Also revealed: We briefly mourn the passing of Tigger...