Lapodcast (local Anaesthetic Podcast) - The Most Trusted Name In Local News

LA 145: A Set of Bloody Three-Toed Footprints and Some Shed Reptile Skin Nearby



The most trusted name in local news: Local Anaesthetic is a podcast exploring strange and funny local stories from across the UK (and occasionally the world...) including listener submitted contributions.   Listeners can submit stories via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram or e-mail:     Stories this week include: Dinosaur eggs designed to 'inspire imagination' triggers state of panic among children in primary school. Residents express anger after neighbour's extension blocks out sun. Michael Jackson impersonator struggles to light candle. Party members throw backing behind 'Vote Labour and Win a Microwave!' slogan ahead of the 2020 election. Also revealed: Rob tells some 'jokes'...