Do You Still Like Us?

i need that tarzan dikkkkkkk : a podcast that reads books #111



‘oh, why?’ a small chuckle sweetly wafts from them both. and so unfolds the story of 2 tiny little tinies who hopped into a tiny and little row boat together one odd night on their way to a near by fire on the shore, to drink and eat and eats and drinks and drinks and maybe eats some more, confused to how they met and enjoying sweet circumstance their oars lapped less and less as they talked and joked and stared deep into one another until transfixed. the moon dips deep and the sun begins to rise and they hold each other close and fall asleep to dream of together. the morning comes and the ships all sail away. they wake long after and smile sweetly to one another. today they miss the battle, but they happily stare into each other and row back to shore and step upon those soft, sandy shores and sweetly turn to walk back to their town, only to realize they’ve turned from each other and they are enemies.