Dr. Bubbs Performance Podcast

S3E9 // REWIND – Sleep & Circadian Rhythm: Insights & Applications from 6 World-Experts



In Season 3, Episode 9 Dr. Bubbs REWINDS the tapes and takes a deep-dive into sleep with 6 world-leading experts who’ve appeared on the podcast. In this episode, Dr. Amy Bender PhD talks sleep recommendations, potential pitfalls of a “nappucino” and strategies to support falling asleep; Dr. Dan Pardi PhD discusses circadian rhythms and implications for weight loss and health; Dr. Cheri Mah MD talks about her work in the NBA, the benefits and limitations of the NBA nap, as well as WHEN it’s appropriate to implement the “coffee nap”; Dr. Ian Dunican PhD discusses caffeine use and implications on sleep and recovery in professional rugby players; Dr. Michele Lastella PhD dives into athlete chronotypes and how it may impact training and recovery; and Dr. Norah Simpson PhD from Stanford Medical School discusses the impacts of sleep loss on cognition. Fantastic insights from an all-star lineup of sleep experts!