Your Life Now Show With Coach Rea Wilke

New Year, New Goals, New Intentions



"The ultimate key to freedom is recognizing that everything is choice." Happy 2022 everyone! New Year, new beginning, new opportunity to move forward, and achieve our goals and intentions Are you ready to turn your new year resolutions into focused goals? Do you have personal or professional goals you’re working towards? Have you set your Intentions for 2022? Did you know that our intention creates our experience? What do you intend to happen? Make sure that your thoughts, and feelings reflect your true intentions. Intention means that you have set a goal and intend to achieve it. It's not only about change anymore; it's about creating something new in every moment. Set aside the fear of "what if'", and say to yes to something new? Surprise yourself, challenge yourself, and see how far you can go! Let us strategize with you! For more details, contact us at: