Kitty Talks

Do Your Dharma and Burn Up Your Karma!



2022 ENERGY FORECAST HOW TO MAKE THE BEST OUT OF THIS POWERFUL YEAR! Ehvass – Chaldean Numerology, Numerologist PROJohannes is a master Numerologist and software developer. Together with wife Estel, they are founders of Numerologist PRO, one of the world’s leading resources in Chaldean Numerology. Everything is energy and everything is vibration where both have positive and negative aspects. Johannes explains how we can all see this playing out right now. He says, ‘when other sources are pulling you apart, the only thing to do is to go inside!’. He continues to expand in this fascinating podcast on how to grow yourself through love and nurture, and to effectively alchemise yourself this year.Learn HOW you can use the numbers prevalent in 2022, their cycles and patterns to harmonise yourself though 2022...Here’s what you’ll learn in this podcast: