Australian Strange Stories - True Stories From Real People

Ghosts of Europe, Doppelgängers, Voices out of nowhere and orbs rising from the ocean!- Australian STRANGE STORIES 02



Attila Kaldy is a freelance creative producer who began his first project in 2001 with The Oz Unknowns. In 2007 he produced Paranormal Investigators - The Challenge, and continued with a second season in 2008. With a passion for the paranormal and the alternative aspect of life, he then co-produced inSpirit TV. Returning his focus towards the skies, in 2012 Attila completed a new documentary film on UFO encounters in Australia titled 'My Project UFO' In 2013 Attila produced a new addition to the paranormal genre - Paranormal Investigators series 'Phamophobia'. In 2014 he produced a new controversial series titled 'In -Tenebris' (into the darkness), being part of the Paranormal Investigators series, hosted by Andrea Kaldy and Beth Luscombe. A new edition to 'In Tenebris' will be titled 'Badlands' due to be released in 2017. Co-founder of MoonLark Media, Attila co-produced the web skits 'Spook Troopers' (produced by Andrea Kaldy). In 2015, Attila beg