Hills Review

Hills Review For The Week Of January 3 2022



Happy New Year! Welcome to Hills Review -- the High School East Student Podcast. It is Monday, January 3, 2022. This week's podcasts are meant to help you make this year one with less stress. On Tuesday, Nicole Tisch offers suggestions on how to take control of your stress through the use of exercise. Nicole has found exercise to be the key to helping relieve anxiety. In this podcast, she discusses how exercise has helped her and others overcome the kinds of daily stress that we all face. On Thursday, Meghan Mahoney offers her thoughts on how we talk about mental health--specifically, how even though the stigma of mental health has lessened throughout the years, it still isn't discussed much in the classroom. She also asks why students still receive huge workloads despite the fact that everyone knows this is detrimental to their mental health. Welcome back… and have a great, stress-free week.