Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Spirit Rescue! Earthbound Souls and the Fear of “Crossing Over” – Barry Littleton



Barry Littleton, known for his excursions outside of the physical realm, including his multiple contact encounters with non-human intelligence has also been VERY active in spirit rescue missions - working with the souls of the dead in order to cross them over into the light. Barry says that more recently he has encountered a huge jump in the number of earthbound spirits hovering close to this plane, not ready or willing to make a full transition. But is there a reason for this more recent escalation of trapped souls? In this episode of Higher Journeys Barry will explain the circumstances by which spirits of the dead can get trapped in between realms and often attach to unsuspecting individuals, and why his work in "spirit rescue" has ramped up in recent years. Barry says that as unbelievable a scenario as this may be, this is something that all of the living need to be aware of in order to both protect themselves and to seek assistance in getting the dead to move into The Light. #afterlife #me