Toon In Podcast

Abandoning Friends to Escape Fake Concert Traps - Toon In #92



Have you ever found yourself in a situation that at first seemed okay, but right in the middle of it, you realize "I shouldn't be here." There's really only one solution to that. NOPE. Nope the hell out of there. You got kids with you? Nope. You're holding a priceless gemstone? Nope. It doesn't matter, you gotta nope. Eli nopes out of a concert, Wayne nopes out of multiple inner city conflicts, and Trev and Killian should have noped out way sooner than they did. Guests: Killian, Wayne, Eli Tasty Morsels Them bummy speakers that were supposed to be used for a "concert" Confused Steve Harvey Be sure to check out Eli's music and follow him on Twitter: @ElijahKyle__ Hear something that you, loved, hated, laughed out loud at, cringed at, or just want to react to? Tweet us @ToonInEnt or email! If you haven't already, please subscribe on whatever platform you listen from! If you're not sure how to do that, just head to and click whatever method you want to us