Adult Adhd Add Tips And Support

Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast – Renewed Hope in 2022!



Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support Podcast - Renewed Hope in 2022! Tips for a Successful Year. This podcast is an audio companion to the book "The Drummer and the Great Mountain - A Guidebook to Transforming Adult ADD / ADHD." In this episode we'll discuss a number of essential tips to start the year off right as a hunter-type. If you're feeling low and unmotivated, the first part of this episode covers how to lift away past disappointments and negative self-talk to assist you in finding renewed inspiration. In the second half, we'll review a list of items to support you in planning the new year, setting goals, and approaching new projects. Links Mentioned in this Episode: (PDF) 4 Step Journaling Process (Video) Dopamine Detox (Podcast) Mindfulness - Episode 71 (Podcast) Meditation Practice - Episode 74 (Podcast) Setting Healthy Boundaries - Episode 81 (Ebook) ADHD Time Management - Free (Website) Arthur Lee Land Don't see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file. If you have an Apple device