Solo Women Travel Tribe Podcast With Xena Jones

131: How To Reflect, Learn, Grow + Celebrate



In this episode I am sharing with you a list of questions to help you reflect on 2021 & set yourself up for even more of what you want in the new year. This is also a great opportunity to notice any themes that arise & pick a word of focus for the new year. This episode is PACKED with fun & powerful questions to help you reflect, learn, grow & celebrate. I am also sharing with you my simple 4 step process to evaluate your goals & the year that you have had: 1. What worked? 2. What didn’t work? 3. What will I do differently next time? 4. What are 3 wins I can celebrate? And I am walking you through my own self-evaluation & some of the key things I discovered that haven't worked & the changes I will be making as we move into 2022. Join me on a call to create your own unique strategy for 2022: