Shot By Brock

Ep. 71 Nick Childs: Finding Our Life's Purpose



“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable.” So said stoic philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca. And certainly, if we all knew what we wanted to be, we’d all either be there by now, or at ease we’d be well on our way there. When we were kids it’s easy to get excited about being an astronaut, a movie star, a scientist, or lumberjack. But for many of us, with growing up came a dulling of these lofty ambitions until, rather than a seat on rocket ship, most of us end up settling for a comfy chair and a widescreen TV to take the edge off another hard day at the office. Zadie Smith seemed to capture it well when she observed: “What modest dreamers we have become.” We focus so much on the being – the end result – that all too often we lose sight of the doing. It is the doing, the action, that leads to the being, after all. We’ve all heard the saying, fall in love with the process, but we rarely stop to think what the process looks like. The idea of being a brain surgeon, highly revered, w