Kush And Kai

Microdose 80: El Chicano, Florida Tales, Sonic Body Shaming



On this Eightieth Microdose, The Kahuna Kids discuss nose hair grooming, Kai has Florida Tales for us, Kush has a review of El Chicano, Sonic the Hedgehog gets Body Shamed and Lucasfilms Willow may get new life on Disney+.  Find us here:FacebookTwitterInstagramiTunes or Apple PodcastsStitcherGoogle PlaySpotify© 2019 TheBosNet Family All Rights ReservedKush And Kai, Kush Hayes, Kush, Kai, Microdose, Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, El Chicano, Disney Plus, Disney +, Disney, Lucasfilm, Ron Howard, Florida Tales,