F*** Up Pod With Jamie Kilstein

Robin Williams, Ram Dass, and God



SUCH A GOOD EPISODE. Will also help walk you back from panic attacks!   Sitaram Dass spent several years serving his beloved teacher Ram Dass on Maui, where he was shown the path of Bhakti, the yoga of service and devotion to God. He is the director of the Sacred Community Project and a member of the kirtan group Kripa, where he works to lower the barriers of access to contemplative and devotional practices through affordable, free, and donation-based offerings, one-on-one spiritual support, and prison outreach. His new book, From and for God, is an intimate and contemplative collection of writings on the spiritual path. Learn more about Sitaram Dass at: sitaramdass.com   Sacred Community Project: https://sacredcommunityproject.org Sitaram Dass: https://sitaramdass.com