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After Two Years of COVID: What Do We Know Now About Courts, Safety, and Privacy? Question of Ethics: A Video Conversation on Courts and Ethics Winter 2021 Edition



These last two turbulent years have brought into sharp relief the dynamic tension between a court’s duty to keep both employees and the public safe, and the duty to respect the privacy and the personal choices of those very same employees and the public. This conversation is taking place at a time when many of us thought (or at least hoped), that these kinds of discussions were behind us. We could move on. Yet, as of December of 2021 the recent appearance of yet another COVID variant has raised a new round of concerns. Three examples suggest points where work life has become increasingly intrusive, yet employees and the public are still at risk. 1) As court offices reopen, some returning employees have refused to disclose their vaccine status. This can put those very same employees as well as others at a higher risk of contracting COVID. 2) As more courthouses open again for staff and the public, some members of the public refuse to disclose their vaccine status and refuse to wear a mask. Security at the fron