Ai With Ai

Is it alive or is it Xeno-rex?



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, starting with the US Department of Defense creating a new position of the Chief Digital and AI Officer, subsuming the Joint AI Center, the Defense Digital Service, and the office of the Chief Data Officer [0:32]. Member states of UNESCO adopt the first-ever global agreement on the ethics of AI, which includes recommendations on protecting data, banning social scoring and mass surveillance, helping to monitor and evaluate, and protecting the environment [3:26]. The European Digital Rights and 119 civil society organizations launch a collective call for an AI Act to articulate fundamental rights (for humans) regarding AI technology and research [6:02]. The Future of Life Institute releases Slaughterbots 2.0: “if human: kill()” ahead of the 3rd session in Geneva of the Group of Governmental Experts discussing lethal autonomous weapons systems [7:15]. In research, Xenobots 3.0, the living robots made from frog cells, demonstrate the ability to replicate th