Jane Hamill | Podcast

Need a Plan?



"There's power in a plan", I said to my client. "Sure, if only I knew if my plan was any good. And if I didn't lose it. And if I actually stuck to it without changing my mind 50 times." Sound familiar?  We love the IDEA of a plan. It's the implementation that gets us.   The Planning part goes like this: What's my Outrageous Goal for the biz? What's the "bridge version" of the biz in the next 12 months? Next, break it down into the 4Qs of the year, and to 3 specific 90-day goals. Start tracking some #'s every week to see small wins add up (motivation!!) Get help and accountability so I don't abandon my plan by January 15th.  Right now in The Club we're working on all of this together. You can join us. It's life-changing to have a plan you actually stick to.  In today's episode, I break down the planning process in detail. Show Notes: https://fashionbrainacademy.com/myplan/ The Club - our monthly membership for product entrepreneurs: https://fashionbrainacademy.com/theclub/