Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

ET Encounters, Electromagnetic “Aliens” & Non Human Interference on The Planet | Robyn McClendon



Is humanity being dealt a blow of extraterrestrial proportions? Is something or someone trying to intercept the ascension of our planet and our species? And could there be a non human influence involved? These are some of the questions we explore in this episode with metaphysical, alchemical researcher and ET contact experiencer Robyn McClendon. Robyn shares her contact experiences that came at a young age in the form of an electromagnetic current with consciousness; delivering messages and guiding her through the journey of her life. Through these beings, she learned to navigate some of the hard edges of her upbringing which prepared her later in life to teach many other people about the individual, collective and planetary frequency acceleration that’s happening right now and how to take specific steps to harness the organic frequencies of this planet (Gaia), despite the odds that may be against us! ⭐️ Register for a special LIVE presentation with Robyn McClendon: How to Stop the ASCENSION HIJACK ➡️ http