Science, Futurism, Emotional Intelligence

Spiritual Conversations with a Skeptic | Best Quotes | Bentinho Massaro



Bentinho Massaro is the world's leading teacher on the nature of reality. Spiritual Conversations with a Skeptic ► No Limits Society ► Bentinho's YouTube ► Super Accelerated Living ► All Quotes ► Each Creation is an incarnation of the One. God is the active, executive principle of that one, infinite, absolute Reality. The ultimate goal is complete liberation and realization of the One by itself, through the mirror of its own Creation; through the illusion of an individual soul. Understanding the nature of consciousness and how it may be constituting reality or perception in general, is crucial in being able to get to know the truth, which you could call God or the mystery of life. Through an extremely intense longing or desire for the absolute truth, Infinite Reality can know itself. That's the whole idea of self-realization, purification or enlightenment—the i