Battleground Wisconsin

Most undercovered story of 2021: The failure to get a COVID vaccine patent waiver



We review our discussion with Senator Tammy Baldwin and Congressman Mark Pocan at our fundraiser Wednesday evening. In the process, we get critical inside information on the big Build Back Better Act debate in Congress. Sachin Chheda, director of the Fair Elections Project and a Citizen Action member, joins us to review the hyper-partisan Wisconsin Supreme Court decision giving legal cover to Republican rigged election maps. Will we be stuck with the Scott Walker districts for another 10 years? Our panel then talks about the COVID spike in infections, hospitalization rates and deaths in Wisconsin, ahead of the likely arrival of the latest COVID variant. We are joined by Ben Levenson, from our national network People’s Action, to discuss whether President Biden and America are really fighting for a COVID vaccine patent waiver. The waiver is critically needed to produce enough vaccine to immunize the entire world, saving millions of lives and stopping the production of even more threatening variants.