Ai With Ai

Revenge of the AWS



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, [0:53] starting with OpenAI’s announcement that it is making GPT-3 generally available through its API (though developers still require approval for production-scale applications). [3:09] For DARPA’s Gremlins program, two Gremlin Air Vehicles “validated all autonomous formation flying positions and safety features,” and one of the autonomous aircraft demonstrated airborne recovery to a C-130. [4:54] After three years, DARPA announces the winners of its Subterranean Robot Challenge, awarding prizes for teams operating in the “real-world” in virtual space. [7:03] The Defense Information Systems Agency released its Strategic Plan for 2022 through 2024, which includes plans to employ AI capabilities for defensive cyber operations. [8:08] The Department of Defense announces a new cloud initiative to replace the failed JEDI contract, with invitations to Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Oracle to bid. [11:52] In research, DeepMind, Google Brain, and World Chess