To Be Determined...

The 30th Pilot: Mint Condition Trumpet Tooth Thrill Kill Pizza!



Best friends Jeff & Dave return for the second week in a row of a new year of shows! Can they keep this schedule up?! Time will tell. Telling time. Tattle-tale time!In this issue:NO CONSEQUENCES!LISTEN NOW:Your browser does not support this the awesome embedded player Player not working? CLICK HERE, instead! Also: Jeff forgot to mention that there was Kahlua in his iced coffee.SUBSCRIBE:via iTunesvia RSS feedTwitter Feeds:DaveJeffTo Be Determined (official) Blogs:Robox Studio Blog (Dave's Professional Blog)See Last Issue (Jeff's X-Men Blog)Sommerjam (Jeff's Blog About STUFF)Other:Follow us on YouTube.comAnd you can email us at DiggerButton (at) gmail (dot com)