Grizzlys Growls Podcast-only

Episode 165 - The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton - Part I Chapter VIII The End of the World



Just a quick note, in case you've been wondering. I've recorded more G.K. Chesterton books than of any other author.  I like his writing, and I like the way I sound when I read it. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he says, and I am not endorsing his beliefs.  He was I gather considered a liberal by the standards of his day.  By modern standards he'd be a bigot and a racist.  He was profoundly parochial in every sense of the world, and proud of it.  His views were those of a man of his time, place and background.  He could use terms and language that in a public venue today would  make jaws drop and fists rise.  And yes, I quote them word for word.  Because yes, that's what he wrote in the book. That said, he was an intelligent man and a good writer.  And he spoke in a manner that has gone out of fashion.  It seems the fashion lately to despise people who don't agree, and to see malice in every opinion and action, what one writer has called the "indig-nation," a whole society whose first response i