Creative Thursday

258 How to Tame the Overwhelm Monster



Does that monster creep up on you too? O.V.E.R.W.H.E.L.M How do you handle it?  On a coaching call, one of my business mentors shared a perspective on overwhelm that stopped me in my tracks.  And this subtle shift, or rather WAKE UP CALL, around how to deal with overwhelm, has been a game changer in how I move through my days. Not that the sneakly little Overwhelm monster doesn't try to creep back into my routine, but now I know how tame him and get sh*t done efficiently, with way more peace. In today's episode I share with you another eye-opening definition of Overwhelm along with exactly what to do when you feel it coming on.   Join me for Artful Selling in January. Grab your spot on the waitlist here. Come celebrate + support Independent Artists and Makers, and do some thoughtful holiday shopping for wonderfully warm and unique gifts on Sunday November, 28. You can find all things Marisa and Creative Thursday and on instagram and facebook @creativet