Wiehl Of Justice

Ep. 2 – The First Trial Against Cal Harris



A map of the people introduced so far is at the bottom of this web post. A small town in New York wondered for almost six years about what happened to Michele Harris. There were a lot of unknowns. She disappeared without much of trace, leaving behind an estranged husband and four kids, ranging from age 2-7. And finally, at the historic Tioga County Courthouse, it seemed as though some answers might be found. Use hashtag on facebook and twitter #WiehlofJustice to comment on the investigation Jurors were selected and seated for trial, Judge Martin Smith takes his seat, Cal Harris sits at the defense table – hoping to convince a jury that he didn’t kill his wife, and lawyers for both sides are ready to present their case. Next Episode – #3, It’s All About the Blood? Missed an Episode? Episode 1: The Beginning Receive updates automatically by subscribing for free on iTunes or Stitcher Click the people map below to view a larger version.