Rolling For Loot

Episode One: Introductions



Direct download link (right click>save as)Welcome to Episode One of Rolling For Loot with Schokti and Himhotepp.Our topics for this episode include:- Our bios. We interview each other to give you an idea of our gaming background.- A brief discussion of what you can expect to hear from us.- Game snacks!We close with a bit of discussion on what we played this week.We welcome comments and questions. Please do so at this blog, on Facebook or on Twitter (@RollingForLoot)~Schokti---Some comments from Himhotepp:First podcast in the can, and now awaiting the edited version (minimal as it is) so I can hear the finished product, and gloat about how excellent it sounds!As far as it goes, this was a pretty good podcast. Although I must admit I have very little experience with podcasts and podcasting in general, this one sounds quite good. It's clear and genuine. It wasn't forced, and the banter was honest and engaging. I would give this a 7/10 grade. Tune in next week to see how much we improve!Cheers,~ Himhotepp