Shot By Brock

Ep. 66 Kerrin Black: Owning Your Story



Everybody has a story. Whether it’s the story of our lives, the story of our heritage, or the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, that we hang our identities on, our whole world is made up of stories. And it’s not just our own stories that define our world. All you have to do is switch on the television, or take a walk outside, and whether it’s advertising billboards, the television news, the latest soap operas, or the cultural and societal rules and regulations that set out to bring order to the way we live our lives and go about our days, everything is made up of stories. Indeed, even the passing of the seasons, is a story that unfolds over and over again, right in front of our eyes. As Yuval Noah Harari said: “Humans think in stories, and we try to make sense of the world by telling stories.” This week we’re exploring the power of stories, about how the stories we tell ourselves and others can help us own our lives, unfurling it in front of us like a blossoming lotus flower, or they can keep us tra