Hammer Factor Hot Seat

9: Tristan Cowie in the Hot Seat



Tristan Cowie:'18 & '19 Pisgah Stage Race champion, 2018 US Cyclocross team member, 2018 PMBAR Champion, and CTS coach sheds light on: Racing mountain biking before it was cool Mentors over the years What clicked in 2018 Perfecting his coaching style and some memorable moments Importance of cross training  His love for BBQ And much much more Get Connected hhttps://www.instagram.com/tcowie16/ https://www.facebook.com/cowieta Hot Seat Subscription Options Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hammer-factor-hot-seat/id1414378393?mt=2 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/hammer-factor-hot-seat?refid=stpr RSS Direct Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/hammerfactorhotseat