Somethin' To Do Podcast

Morals, Mores, and Morale



Episode #4.1: Morals, Mores, and MoraleChris and Ed continue to discuss relion, it's implications, and our feelings towards such institutions.Subscribe in iTunes!Subscribe in RSS/Podcatcher!This is the second part of our four-hour discussion on religion. This one has a greater focus on the interaction between members of the same faction, as we tackle the way religious leaders communicate their faiths. There's also talk of morality, its origins, and why religion can be good (if not necessary) for some people. As always, we're not experts, but we try to speak clearly and honestly about the way we see the world and how people manifest their ideas and ideals. So, while Ed speaks as though his statements are fact, take them with a grain of salt. If there are any concerns or comments, please feel free to leave them below or email us.Read more »As always, thanks. For listening.