Ipo Hardball! With Francis Gaskins

IPO Hardball! Weekly Analysis - This Weeks Roundup and Review of Last Week



Follow-on analysis of Clearwire Corp. (CLWR) a wireless broadband company, Sourcefire (FIRE)involved in network security, and Xinhua Finance Media Limited (XFML) a Chinese business and financial news corporation.Discussed this week: BigBand Networks (BBND) who provides network platforms for cable operators and telephone companies. Competitors include Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) Motorola Inc. (MOT)FCStone Group (FCSX) a commodity risk management consulting firm. FCSX operates as an integrated FCM (futures commission merchant), which is an organization which assists primarily middle-market customers inoptimizing their profit margins and mitigatingcommodity price risk..Photowatt Tech (PHWT) a company that designs, manufactures and sells photovoltaic solar cells & modules. Photowatt competitors include Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. (STP) and SunPower Corporation (SPWR)Tongjitang Chinese Med (TCM) is a specialty pharmaceutical company in China involved in modernized trad Chinese medicine. The flagship product