Health Talk With The Stoners

085: Healthy Thinking: Guiding Ourselves To Think Positively



Healthy thinking does NOT mean positive thinking! No one can look at things positively all the time. Sometimes bad things happen, (marriage ends, job loss, and argument or a loss of a loved one) It's normal and healthy to feel upset and have negative thoughts when these things happen. Healthy thinking means looking at the entire situation—the positive, the negative and the neutral parts... ALL OF IT. Then coming to a conclusion. It's about viewing the world in a balanced way.So today, let us look at the common traps we all find ourselves in, asking ourselves these important questionsWhat is the situation? What actually happened? Only include facts that everyone would agree on.What are your thoughts? What are you telling yourself?What are your emotions? How do you feel?What are your behaviours? How are you reacting? What are you doing to cope?And getting out.We can all do this! If you want to dig deeper in your health or fitness click on the link below and make sure you subscribe to never miss a podc