Bobby Pickles' Podcast

Marxist Hippie becomes Born Again American, Proud Boy (also, PAWL) | Bobby Pickles’ Podcast™️ Ep 175



  ATTN: Proletariat, Rabble-Rousers, Riffraff, Lowlifes, Pieces of Human Excrement, every single Bag of Dirt, Douche, or Scum, if you are a Dreg on Society, PLEASE ENJOY this new episode featuring the often informative and always indefensible, PAWL BAZILE, who is producing a new show on Censored dot TV called “Radio Deadly” hosted by Michale Graves. The other featured guest goes simply by the monicker “Based Hippie,” a former occupy and BLM scab on society, who drove a hippie bus around North and Central America for 6 years preaching Marxist tripe, in his own ignorance. But following the 2016 election, Based Hippie found himself finally questioning all of the propaganda and brainwashing, which had indoctrinated him into the trap of leftist thought-patterns. He soon became a socio-political Refugee, eventually Landing in his current location, Salt Lake City, where he is a pending fourth-degree with the SL,UTs (Proud Boys Salt Lake City, Utah). VIDEO: