Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Dealing With Overwhelm, Intense Stress, And Burn Out



Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope @JodiAman Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs: Read commentary of this podcast at and add to the discussion! Read transcription of this podcast here:   Summary: For so long in my life, I felt like I was trying to heal myself while I was in the midst of everything else going on. Raising my babies, building my business, nurturing my relationship, and honing my skills as a counselor. I was in survival mode big time and I wasn't really giving myself the time that I needed.  Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your life? Do you ever wonder why you don't take care of yourself? Why getting tasks done means more than healing and feeling calm? It's because healing isn't tangible. You can't check it off a list. It takes time and concentration.