Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Allow Yourself To Feel



Fan me on FB: Follow me on twitter: Periscope: @JodiAman   Find out about my online anxiety recovery programs:   Read summary of this podcast at and add to the discussion!  Read transcription of this podcast here:   Why you think it is so hard to feel -- There are many reasons we don't want to feel a feeling, but it usually leads back to guilt and fear.    Thinking something is wrong with what we feel can cause so many problems in our lives. An unfelt, unresolved feeling, especially one we judge to be pathological can reek havoc on our emotions, relationships, and identity.   The stories about the feelings and what happened –  blaming ourselves and blaming others – that fill our head, have us run away from feelings. This is why it takes so long to heal. We think a feeling is u