Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Pod #32: Questions and Answers About Tapping



This week Gene answered: Have been tapping for an issue that has been with me for a while.  I am making great progress, but when I tap all sorts of thoughts, memories, and emotions come to mind.  All of this information is overwhelming.  What do I do with it all? I am new to Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping.  Should I be saying the phrases out loud or is it okey to say them in my head?  To be honest I feel a little silly saying them out loud. I had a client come in for a issue that they were sure they knew the root cause of, but when they tuned in to the past memory that was causing this issue there is no emotional charge.  What should I do? I have a client who has been diagnosed with clinical depression.  Where should I start? How do you deal with naysayers? Do we need to tap every issue down to 0? I have been dealing with the emotions of a break-up for months now and feel like I have tried everything.  As some one who deal with this a lot I am hoping you have a trick I haven't tried.  What should