Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Pod #170: What Phrases Should I Use For…



I love receiving questions from my listener and readers. They help me to understand what the community needs and how I can best serve you. You can always ask a question here. The question I get more than any other is "What are the right tapping phrases for [insert issue]?" (emphasis added) I can understand where this question comes from. When most people learn EFT they are taught to say words. When we see an expert practitioner leading someone else we marvel at the "perfect" phrases they use in the moment. This leads us to believe that there are perfect and right phrases. In reality this is not the case. There are phrases that are more useful than others, but there is no right and wrong. In this audio I will teach you some of the ways I come up with tapping phrases that will make your tapping more effective.