Family Adventure Podcast With Erik Hemingway

137- The Joy Ride



Today on the show we have Julie and Jeff Sage-Lauck from the blog { The Joy Ride } who just wrapped up a 1 year RV adventure throughout the United States and parts of Canada with their 2 small kids. Originally from Colorado they moved to Oregon and lived for 5 years before the Rv Adventure. Their life is Portland was good they just both felt it could be more. After a couple of life circumstances seemed to be pointing to this new direction they began to plan and prepare for this big of a trip. Both Julie and Jeff had done traveling before kids and before they got married. So this time they were excited to plan something they knew the kids (and the dog) could enjoy as well! We got to catch up with them near the end of their trip while they were still in Canada and hear about their highs and lows of the trip as well as some lessons they learned along the way. Such a great interview packed with lots of great advice!