Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

What’s the Difference Between Probate Leads and Inheritance Leads?



Today I want to talk about the difference between probate leads and inheritance leads. Let's talk about probate leads first. When someone passes away, the estate will go through probate in most cases unless the deceased did some estate planning.  A number of things have to happen in probate before the property can be sold, so months can pass in many cases. If you're still not clear on the probate process, you can get my free Probate Investing Roadmap by CLICKING HERE.    Inheritance Leads That's not the case with inheritance leads. These are leads that didn't go through probate, and there are a number of ways this can happen. I go over that in the show, as well as where you find those inheritance leads.     Resources Our sponsor Mitch Stephen has a free report for you called "Tax Free Future". Learn more by CLICKING HERE. Ready to jump in and become a probate expert?  You can do that with my "Probate Investing Simplified" course.   Please let me know if you have any questions.  Be sure to stop by the blog and