Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Marketing Tip #2 - Do You Ever Feel Like Throwing in the Towel?



Welcome to marketing tip #2.   Today I want to tell you what you need to stop doing when you feel like throwing in the towel. I know, we've all been there.  Overwhelmed... Confused... Overworked and tired... Ready to throw in the towel and quit .. There is a way to fix that, and it isn't by working harder and faster or by doing a million different strategies. Listen in today to tip #2 in my Quick Tip Marketing Series and learn what that is. Don't forget to stop by the blog to get your brand new Freebies.  I have a Quick Start Marketing Plan Template that you can get completely free. It's one that I use to work with clients 1-to-1.  You can do that here --> Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog     .