Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Wealth Building Strategies through Real Estate with Linda Pliagas



Today's show is all about wealth building strategies through real estate, so you're not going to want to miss this one.  My guest is a real superstar in this field. She is California investor, Linda Pliagas.  Linda has done wholesaling, fix and flips and more, but she's a buy and hold investor at heart. She bought her first property when she was still in college after realizing how little a journalism major was going to make in that career.  She knew she was going to need a "side hustle".  Linda has invested in single family homes, vacation homes, multi-family properties and commercial properties. She also produces two digital magazines, Realty 411 and REI Wealth. You're going to learn just how creative Linda had to get to get her first few deals done. How to use 1031 exchanges strategically to build wealth Why she prefers multi-properties over single family  California earthquakes; how this affects her investing strategies How Linda got to be a magazine publisher Her advice for those just getting started as