Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Marketing Tip #8 - Why Nurturing Your Probate Leads is so Important



Learning how to properly nurture your probate leads is one of the most important aspects of successfully marketing to probates.  You want to take them slowly along a path where they feel confident in your ability to buy their property when the time is right for them.  This type of direct mail is a slow but deliberate way of creating rapport with these sellers. From the time someone passes away until the family is ready to sell varies with each person. However, this is the important stage where you begin to build a relationship with these folks.   How do you do that?  You do that by showing up every month with a consistent message.  Your message is all about helping them when they are ready.  How long does it take?  Listen in as I fill in some of the gaps.    Probate Investing Simplified Be sure to check out Probate Investing Simplified to learn how you can become a probate investing expert in just 6 short weeks.  (It's true!) My promise to you is that if you take the course and you do the work, you can build