Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Setting Up Your Probate List Criteria to Get the Best Results Possible



I’ve heard from a lot of folks that their direct mail results have been dismal for probates, so today I want to be sure you’re setting up your probate list criteria to get the best results possible.    Ever since Covid-19 came into our world, the courts quickly shut down in most areas.  For some cities, they are either still mainly closed to the public or there is limited access.  If you live in a state where everything is online, you are in a much better position than a large portion of the country.  No matter what your exact situation is with regards to the courts, I am hearing from investors everywhere that there is still a huge backlog of cases still waiting to get through the process.  That is certainly true in my area.  How long will it take to get back to normal?  I don’t think anyone has the answer to that one. In the meantime, we can focus on what we can control.  One of those things is the quality of your list.  Today I want to go over the steps I take when I am creating my list for probates.  Setti