Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

3 Success Tips for Real Estate Investors: Mindset, Motivation and Mentors with Pili Yarusi



I believe there are 3 things that will ultimately determine the success (or failure) of your business. My top 3 success tips for real estate investors have to do with mindset, motivation. and mentors no matter what your investing strategy is.  My guest today is Pili Yarusi.  I’m excited to have her on the show because she truly represents everything good about the younger generation of female real estate investors.  What I especially love about Pili is never-ending positivity and her big smile.   One thing I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that this new generation of female real estate investors still face many of the same challenges I did when I started more than two decades ago.  I’ll take that one step further to say that in many respects, nothing much has changed. 3 Success Tips for Real Estate Investors Discussed in this Show Mindset: You are the only person that can change this. Motivation: Lack of motivation is almost always fixed by changing your mindset. Mentors: You can go faster and gr