Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Why Isn't Your Marketing Working in Your Real Estate Investing Business?



If you've ever wondered why your marketing isn’t working in your real estate investing business, I have some insight for you today.  First of all, I can tell you that you're not alone. I hear all this all the time. My first question is, what types of marketing are you doing on a regular basis? The next question I ask has to do with their branding. When I ask investors about their branding, I always get the same surprised look. Then that person usually says something like, “I’ll worry about branding when my marketing is on track”. I have to tell you, that’s not how it works.  Marketing and branding go hand in hand, and you need to be working on both things simultaneously. Think of it this way Marketing is how you get leads.  Branding is what makes them choose YOU. Take a minute to think about that.  You’ve just dropped a chunk of cash sending out direct mail campaigns that are pretty much getting you zero results. You might be wondering if there is something wrong with your phone service.  After all, it's not