Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

The Benefits of Using Postcards for Marketing to Absentee Owners



One of my most-read posts on the blog is called, “Creating Absentee Owner Letters that Get a Great Response”, and I will put a link to that blog post in the show notes.  Both letters and postcards work for marketing to absentee owners, and I used letters for many years.  However, today I want to look at the benefits of using postcards when you’re marketing to these folks. Not only are there financial benefits to using postcards rather than letters, but there’s another big reason you might want to choose postcards when marketing to absentee owners. They get read!  Here Are Some Statistics According to the company, “The Address”, they have a 100% open rate.  That’s pretty obvious since there’s nothing to open.  They go on to say this: 54% of postcards are read by the recipients – they are the most read type of DM 56% of consumers say they have tried a new business after receiving direct mail 70% of consumers have renewed a previous business relationship after receiving direct mail 90% of Americans prefer the p