Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

How to Take the Stress out of Talking to an Angry Seller



Learning how to take the stress out of talking to an angry seller can be hard for some investors. It's bound to happen at some point if you're doing direct mail marketing. After all, these folks are generally experiencing some type of stress. So, what do you do when you pick up the phone and you find yourself talking to an angry seller? That's what we're going to talk about today. How to turn that conversation around. Show Notes: Angry sellers: it doesn’t happen very often Why you shouldn’t get upset How to talk to an angry seller Simple steps to turn the conversation around Exactly what to say to these folks What if you can’t turn the situation around? “Mr. Bottom Feeder” Want Another Example? Check out this post called, “Mr. Bottom Feeder”. You'll get a good laugh (and a lesson too).    Be sure to stop by the Louisville Gal’s Real Estate Blog and pick up your freebies.         .