Zero Percent Scared

61: Re-release of SCARY CLOWNS for halloween!



Hey all! Listen, we know we've been gone a long time, but we ARE BACK!! Tonight for halloween, please enjoy this special re-release of our clowns episode. And join us next week for new content about bigfoot!  HAPPY HALLOWEEN MY PEOPLE! Second: It’s unanimous, nobody likes clowns. Or Disney World. OK fine that last one is just Kelly, but the clown thing is real. Especially when they’re trying to murder you. Let’s phase out the clowns, people. Phase them out. Email us! References: Big ups to Sparrow Sounds Studios, our fabulous theme music creator Mysterious America: The Ultimate Guide to the Nations Weirdest Wonders, Strangest Spots, and Creepiest Creatures. By Loren Coleman Clown bar fight video Why Clowns Creep Us Out by Frank McAndrew On the Nature of Creepiness. McAndrew and Koehnke A review of empirical evidence on different uncanny valley hypotheses: support for perceptual mismatch of one road to the valley of eeriness. Katsyri et al. Uncanny but not confusing: Multisi